Hailey Cavill-Jaspers 

Chief DoGoodologist & Co-Founder of 🌐BePartnerReady.com®


Hailey Cavill-Jaspers has been matchmaking companies to charities for almost 30 years. Through her company Cavill + Co, she’s built over 50 significant corporate-cause partnerships that have impact and longevity and have invested over $40m into societal projects. Partnerships such as Kleenex/Guide Dogs, Disney/Big Brothers Big Sisters, Vodafone/Hello Sunday Morning, MLC/Lifeline, Workwear Group/The Big Issue and Seek Volunteer – the latter now in its 24th year).

As well as matchmaking, Hailey has helped companies like Qantas & Kmart design a CSR/ESG strategy and helps companies to discard corporate jargon and embrace authentic purpose-driven communication. Hailey has authored over 10 publications on CSR, the neuroscience of altruism and the conscious consumer movement. After running training for 20 years for non-profits, Hailey founded BePartnerReady.com® with Georgia McIntosh, to empower & upskill non-profits & social enterprises through a low-cost high impact online training program. In her spare time, she loves to paint (canvas not walls), drink chai & vodka (not together) and making Ottolenghi salads. She lives in an eco ‘Hobbit house’ with grass on the roof but doesn’t have hairy feet.

Maven time with Hailey


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