Join the global movement advocating for professional development in the for purpose sector!

Join the global movement advocating for professional development in the for purpose sector!

What is Freedom Friday all about?

Welcome to Freedom Friday, a movement dedicated to advocating for 2 hours per person, per week professional development in the for purpose sector. And we want you on board!

We believe in empowering the for purpose sector. Join us in advocating for IMPACT.

Sign the pledge today to show your support for the wellbeing and professional satisfaction of your staff and the professionalism or our for-purpose sector as a whole!


Why Freedom Friday matters

We believe in empowering the for-purpose sector. Dedicated time attracts talent, nurtures staff well-being and fuels growth and innovation. 

Research tells us:

  • 51% of the fundraisers surveyed (in the USA and Canada) expected to leave their jobs within the next two years
  • 30% said that they had recently left or would be leaving the fundraising field altogether in the next two years.
  • Replacing fundraising staff has direct costs of 117% of salaries.
  • 38 % of fundraisers cited the reason for joining current employer was greater opportinty for career growth.
  • 38 % of fundraisers cited the reason for joining current employer was opportunity to enhance or diversify fundraising skills.
    What Makes Fundraisers Tick? A Study of Identity, Motivation, and Well-being. Adrian Sargeant and Dr Kathryn Edworthy Link

Whether through workshops, seminars, mentorship programs, or resource materials, we aim to enable broader access to impactful learning journeys.


‘Regard professional respect for fundraising as a key development of philanthropic culture requiring organisations to treat fundraisers they same as they would other professionals. It requires adequate investment in their education, training, and support. Strengthening skills and keeping in touch with the latest techniques in fundraising will be rewarding for both staff and long-term growth of institution. It goes on to say that exceptional fundraisers will expect to be able to stay at the forefront of the profession and will be drawn to organisations that are eager to make investment, this shows employees how much they are valued’

What will be the impact?

We firmly believe that investing in the growth and development of the sector’s workforce directly translates to heightened organisational effectiveness and amplified societal impact. By pledging to allocate this dedicated time, organisations demonstrate their commitment to fostering a culture of learning and innovation and in turn, the wellbeing of their employees.

Continuous learning fuels innovation, adaptability, and resilience. It’s the cornerstone that empowers teams to navigate evolving challenges, connect with best practices, and achieve greater outcomes. By nurturing a culture of learning, we envision a sector that thrives and continuously evolves to meet the needs of our communities.

Check out who has signed the pledge already

These for purpose folks are champions for change!

Do you provide professional development to the for purpose sector?

Keen to become a Freedom Friday Partner or Provider?

We look forward to collaborating with Partners and Providers far and wide who already offer opportunities for growth and development within the sector. If you are one of these providers or you know of one (or more) that are offering education events (either free or paid), research papers, blog posts or anything of interest. Please get in touch today by emailing


We invite you to be part of this movement dedicated to recognising the value of professional growth. By signing the Freedom Friday pledge, organisations take a stand for their staff’s continuous development, fostering a community where learning is celebrated and supported.

Whether you’re a seasoned fundraiser, an education provider, a passionate leader, or part of a for purpose organisation committed to change, Freedom Friday invites you to join our movement. Let’s unlock our collective potential and pave the way for a sector where learning and growth are celebrated and prioritised.

Together, let’s drive impact, inspire change, and build a brighter future through continuous learning and professional development.