8:30am – 8:45am Welcome

8:45am – 9:45am Lynne Wester Acknowledgement Best Practices for Any Size Shop

9:45am – 10:00am Morning Tea

10:00am – 11:00am Rodney Ferro Crafting your Digital Marketing Strategy – Understanding the fundamental elements to success

11:00am – 12:00pm BePartner Ready.com® & Bully Zero From Zero to Millions in 24 months

12:00am – 12:45pm Lunch

12:45pm – 1:45pm Simon Oats The Science of Storytelling: Supercharging Nonprofit Fundraising and Leadership

1:45pm – 2:45pm Ian MacQuillin Ethics – the most important, yet overlooked, topic in fundraising. And why it’s much harder than you think it is

2:45pm – 3:00pm Afternoon Tea

3:00pm – 3:45pm Michelle Berriman Fundamentals of Relationship Fundraising

3:45pm – 4:30pm Q&A Panel – All Speakers

Lynne Wester

Photo of Lynne Wester

Founder and Principal – DRG Group 

Saying thank you is both an art and a science. We must balance the need to display genuine gratitude with operational and broad-scale efficiency. These two things don’t naturally go hand in hand. Join us as we explore best practices and trends in acknowledgement writing, digital vs. mail delivery, and personalization vs. customization of content. We will assist you in building a program that is meaningful for your donors and still efficient for your team.

Learning Outcomes:

– Learn how to evaluate your current process

– See best practices for mail vs. digital acknowledgements

– Tips for streamlining and scaling your efforts

– Determine where and when to spend time customizing content

Lynne Wester strongly believes that donor relations is the key to unlocking fundraising success and that organizations must be as dedicated to the donor experience — or DX — as they are to the ask itself. Known for positively disrupting the status quo, Lynne helps organizations when they need it the most – when crisis or opportunity arrive.

Lynne and her teammates at The DRG Group partner with nonprofits large and small on a variety of initiatives from developing sound strategy and vision to utilizing technology and creating meaningful donor engagement – all designed to positively impact the fundraising bottom line. In addition, she is a passionate advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion, access, justice and belonging — especially in the fundraising and nonprofit sector.

Lynne regularly contributes to national publications such as the Washington Post, Chronicle of Philanthropy, and CASE Currents as a subject matter expert. She is a four-time author and has contributed to two other books. She also hosts the number one nonprofit podcast in the world — Fundraising is Funny — alongside T. Clay Buck, CFRE.

Lynne delivers thought-provoking fundraising lessons with a keen focus on the donor experience, internationally known as the industry expert on donor relations. Her southern accent and crucial honesty resonate in rooms large and small. 

Lynne received her B.A. from the University of South Carolina, holds a Masters in Strategic Fundraising and Philanthropy from BayPath University, and proudly sports a DUCKtorate from the Disney Institute. She volunteers at many nonprofits and serves on the University of South Carolina board.

Watch Lynne’s interview with Michelle here (intro @ 3.22).

Rodney Ferro

A picture of Rodney Ferro

Founder and Digital Marketing Consultant @ PN Digital

Are you from a not-for-profit and tasked with managing digital marketing but unsure where to start? Or perhaps you’re looking to enhance your current strategy? 
Join us In this friendly and engaging workshop, where we’ll cover the essentials of integrating digital marketing into your organisation’s operations for long-term impact. You’ll learn how small wins can lead to bigger, measurable results, driving greater outcomes for your beneficiaries and supporters.
We’ll dive into the fundamentals of crafting a digital marketing strategy, including marketing basics, understanding your audience, developing a digital marketing framework, setting objectives, and exploring helpful tools and resources. Plus, you’ll have the chance to join a live Q&A with a marketing specialist who has decades of experience working with NFP organisations.

Learning outcomes 

Understand Digital Marketing Basics: Participants will gain foundational knowledge of digital marketing concepts, enabling them to effectively integrate these strategies into their not-for-profit organization’s operations.

– Identify and Analyze Target Audiences: Attendees will learn how to identify their key audiences and understand their needs, which is essential for creating tailored digital marketing strategies that resonate and drive engagement.

– Develop a Digital Marketing Strategy Framework: Participants will leave the workshop with a clear framework for creating a digital marketing strategy, including setting measurable objectives and selecting the right tools and resources.

– Achieve Measurable Outcomes: By the end of the session, participants will be able to apply small, strategic wins that lead to significant, measurable outcomes, benefiting both their organization and its beneficiaries.

Rodney has never been great working with his hands, and he can barely sit still in one place… his prep teacher added a special note in his report card that “He has ants in his pants”.  This curiosity and drive to keep moving led him to be constantly looking for how he could build a company that would make an impact. Luckily for him, he found a calling while working for a big ad agency in Melbourne to use his digital marketing knowledge to help Not-for-Profit organisations with their digital marketing journey. 

Rodney now leads a team of carefully curated experts at PN Digital who share a passion for amplifying their client’s impacts, and over the past few decades, they have been empowering many NFPs to bring control back within their organisation through insourcing their digital marketing.

Rodney’s greatest joy comes from hearing his team share their wins and client updates, whether it be to exceed fundraising goals, sell out an event, expand an organisation’s network and community, get great results from their ad grants or something as simple as a great action shot paired with a beautifully written social media post. They truly become invested in each organisation they work with and feel like they are an extension of the organisation’s team.

Getting a corporate partner over the line isn’t easy. Nor is embedding a corporate partnerships strategy when you’re a tiny charity that’s facing closure because almost all income has been decimated by COVID. Discover how the (very) determined Janet Grima, CEO of Bully Zero, turned this around and secured over $2m of untied funds from five corporate partners. This session will be inspiring yet practical, with actionable steps that guests can take away and use in their organisation immediately.

Learning outcomes

-Understand how valuable a non-profit is to the right corporate partner – you’re a powerful partner not a needy beneficiary

– Learn the steps that Janet took to get her non-profit partner ready – and winning

– Discover how Bully Zero shifted from habitual ‘grab what we can get’ to a position of power and strength

– Gain clarity on what a partnership looks like and why it’s different from a donation or sponsorship

– See how Janet’s five partners are not just providing untied funding, but driving her Mission


Photo of Hailey Cavill-Jaspers

Chief DoGoodologist & Founder Cavill + Co / BePartnerReady.com® 

Hailey Cavill-Jaspers has been matchmaking companies to charities for 29 years.  Through her company Cavill + Co, she’s built over 50 significant corporate-cause partnerships that have impact and longevity, transferring over $45m from corporate coffers to causes. Her clients have included Disney, Vodafone, Kmart, Mondelez, Newscorp,  MLC, Seek to name a few. 

In 2019 she founded a training arm for non-profits with Georgia McIntosh – BePartnerReady.com®, that empowers & upskills non-profits & social enterprises in the mastery of corporate partnerships.    

In her spare time, she loves to paint and has travelled extensively, visiting 12 (of the 18) Wonders of the World.  She lives in an eco-house with a grass roof, and loves to indulge in good food and wine, but she isn’t a Hobbit. 

Georgia McIntosh

Photo of Georgia Mcintosh

Communications Whiz & Co-Founder BePartnerReady.com®

Georgia is Co-Founder of BePartnerReady.com®, a training program that upskills non-profits & social enterprises in Australia and NZ, in how to win corporate partnerships.  She’s also the Founder of communications firm Roger That, specialising in digital marketing and online learning for purpose-driven organisations and social enterprises. 

Georgia loves sharing her knowledge with changemakers and has recently spoken on the FINZ and F&P Big 4 stages, as well as running online webinars for F&P & FIA. 

In addition to spreading joy & optimism wherever she goes, Georgia loves to indulge her thirst for adventure with recent travels to Japan, India and Morocco.  She loves trying new food, even if what’s on offer is a giant tarantula in Cambodia. When at home she loves to walk her beautiful puppy Indie and indulge in a Four Pillars Spiced Negroni G&T (or two!).  

Janet Grima

Photo of Janet Grima

CEO of Bully Zero 

Janet has spent 30 years working in the non profit sector, and has won awards for her innovative fundraising campaigns. Her speaking experience includes FIA Conference and The Intrigue Summit (Salesgasm), and she regularly runs bullying workshops for corporates. Janet’s influence extends beyond her workshops for corporates, as she is a sought-after subject matter expert (anti-bullying). Her credibility is further enhanced by her media appearances on Channel 9’s A Current Affair, The Morning Show, Channel 7 News, SBS News, Channel 10’s I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, The Australian Women’s Weekly, and Herald Sun. Janet Grima, with her confidence, articulation, and transformative contributions, is a changemaker with a compelling story, representing a fresh and dynamic voice in her field. 

Simon Oats

Photo of Simon Oats


We all know the buzz about storytelling – how we need to tell great stories to engage donors, attract partners, motivate staff etc. etc. 

But what stories are you telling? And how are you telling them? Cas if you’re not getting it right, you might be getting it very wrong! 

Some researchers estimate that as many as a third of the stories issued by nonprofits actually prove to be counter productive—worse than doing nothing! – Kendal Haven, author of Story Proof. 

The Good news? There is a map to guide you through the perilous terrain of purposeful storytelling – it comes from the cutting-edge science of Narrative Influence – where stories aren’t just tales but the very fabric of cognition and behaviour. 

Because when you get it right, purposeful storytelling can generate cash, motivate action and create powerful word-of mouth. 

Learning Outcomes: 

– Learn the scientific foundations of impactful storytelling. 

– Understand the 6 elements of neurologically targeted stories and how they create behaviour change. 

– Discover how to identify and shape stories that speak to the core values of your target audience.  

– Learn simple techniques to enhance your storytelling today!

Simon Oats is a critically acclaimed storyteller, presenter, facilitator, and story-coach. He helps leaders and organisations to grow culture and super-charge their communications through neurologically targeted stories. 

Simon brings together cutting-edge research from neuroscience and psychology with years of direct experience as a live storyteller and presenter to deliver an approach to communication that is strategic, practical and evidence based.  

He has delivered consultancy and training in the art and science of impactful storytelling for organisations such as Westpac Bicentennial Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, Berry Street, Oxfam, beyondblue, City West Water and NSW EPA. 

When he’s not working, Simon loves to run in the Noosa Headlands – where he lives with his family, improvise musical-theatre plays, and share stories with his children. 

Ian MacQuillin

Photo of Ian MacQuillin

Director of Rogare

Should you accept a donation from a sex club? Should you ask a woman with a terminally ill child for support? How do you go about resolving these and other ethical dilemmas when you encounter them in fundraising? Check the code of practice? But what if this matter isn’t covered by the code or the code is ambiguous. Do you fall then back on your own moral intuition –  what you feel to be the right thing to do? Or do you consult the literature on fundraising ethics – and make your decision based on the ideas, theories, concepts, toolkits and frameworks you find there. 

If you aim to do this last thing, it’ll be hard because there isn’t much written about fundraising ethics. Considering ethics is fundamental to all professions, it’s more than a little curious that so little resource has been devoted to developing the ethics of professional fundraising. 

When fundraising ethics is considered, it’s often reduced to mere code compliance and/or revolves around two issues in particular – tainted money and payment by commission. But ethic is of fundraising is far richer, and far more nuanced than this. 

This interactive session will describe the theories, ‘lenses’ and frameworks developed at Rogare – The Fundraising Think Tank and practice using these to resolve the two ethical dilemmas mentioned above. We’ll also consider how far codes of practice can take us in making ethical decisions, and what their limitations are. 

Learning outcomes 

– Gain a basic knowledge and understanding of ethical theory to better contextualise ethical issues in fundraising 

– Understand what an ethical dilemma in fundraising is and differentiate it from a ‘moral temptation’ 

– Identify and describe different normative ‘lenses’ of fundraising ethics and understand how to apply these in professional practice 

– Apply these ethical lenses to actual ethical dilemmas in fundraising using a bespoke decision-making framework 

– Make better ethical justifications for the actions they choose to take, or choose not to take, to the media, board, donors and other stakeholders 

– Critique codes of practice from an ethical perspective. 

If you’re looking for Ian MacQuillin MCIoF(Dip), you can usually find him at the intersection of the Venn diagram of ‘Fundraising’ and ‘ethics’.

Ian is the director of the international fundraising think tank Rogare (Latin for ‘to ask’; pronounced Ro-gar-ray), which he founded in 2014. Rogare explores fundraising’s most challenging ‘under-thought’ issues, to help fundraisers better use theory and evidence by translating academic ideas into professional practice, and building fundraising’s knowledge base.
Ian is recognised as a leading thinker on fundraising ethics, whose ideas have been published in the Journal of Business Ethics, and the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing.
His main contribution to the field is the development of a new normative lens of fundraising ethics called Rights Balancing Fundraising Ethics, which aims to balance fundraisers’ duties to their donors with duties to beneficiaries – who have, surprisingly, been an absent stakeholder in fundraising ethics.
Rights Balancing Fundraising Ethics has gained considerable traction in the global fundraising profession, being incorporated into professional qualifications in the UK and Europe. Ian leads Rogare’s research agenda, with major work streams on ethics (including the ethical implications of using AI in fundraising), the philosophy of fundraising, the professionalisation of fundraising, gender issues, and the ethics of donor relationships.

Michelle Berriman

Chief Nester Fundraising Nest 

In this session Michelle will introduce the core fundamentals principles of Relationship Fundraising. Relationships that deliver lifetime value to both the donors and the cause.   Michelle will discuss IMPACT, importance of informed leadership, purpose, collaboration, what organisations should be doing to effectively implement the fundamental principles of Relationship Fundraising that can lead to success relationship fundraising and long-term sustainability.  

Learning Outcomes: 

– Understanding the Core Principles of Relationship Fundraising 

– Importance of Building Deeper Relationships 

– Effective Storytelling for Successful Fundraising 

– Strategies for Cultivating Donor Relationships 

Speaker, thought thinker, authentic leader.

Working Internationally over 25 years, from grass roots cold face youth worker through to CEO of a National Peak body Michelle has established a unique identity as a doer, connector, thinker, and leader. Michelle does not shy away from her unapologetically raw authentic, and real approach to just getting shit done and loves nothing more than meeting new people that share her values.

Impact takes more than actions, formulas, or textbook strategies. It starts with Inspiration and ends in Trust. Real people create real change. Real people provide inspiration, motivation, and they are passionate. They are authentic, they care, and develop trust.

These actions, values, and feelings weave themselves together and are the foundations of inspiring everyone around you.

Real people create IMPACT.

Michelle’s natural ability to forge long-lasting and meaningful relationships has delivered positive results for the many organisations for which she has worked. Michelle has a passion for events, conceptualizing ideas, and bringing a new flavour to existing programs within organisations.

Full participation in our one-day Nest Fest Down Under is applicable for 6.5 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.